- Jack Gazeley, SIO graduate student (2023- )
- Youran Li, SIO graduate student (2019-; with Matt Mazloff)
- Ben Moore-Maley, Los Alamos National Laboratory postdoc (2023- ; with Julie McClean, Alice Barthel, Luke Van Roekel)
- Ishwari Mulkalwar, SIO graduate student (2022- )
- Saulo Soares, project scientist (2022- ); previously postdoc (2019-2022); with Teri Chereskin)
- Yao Yu, postdoc (2023- ), previously SIO graduate student (2018-2023; with David Sandwell)
- Magdalena Carranza, postdoc (2016-2018; was a graduate student 2009-2016; now at MBARI).
- Ru Chen, postdoc (2013-2017; with Julie McClean, now at Tianjin University, China)
- Brian Chinn, MAE (MS) graduate student (2003-05), subsequently earned a PhD student at U. Washington, now a data scientist in Seattle.
- Shenfu Dong, postdoc (2004-2007), now at NOAA-AOML.
- Kyla Drushka, postdoc (2012-2014 ; with Janet Sprintall; previously was SIO (PhD) graduate student (2005-2011) and post-doc at LOCEAN, Paris, now at Applied Physics Lab, U. Washington.
- Shane Elipot, SIO (PhD) graduate student (2001-06), now at the University of Miami.
- Marina Frants, SIO graduate student (2004-2011), postdoc (2011-2012), now at California Current Ecosystem LTER at SIO.
- Mara Freilich, postdoc (2021-2023; with Peter Franks and Matt Mazloff, now at Brown University)
- Yu Gao, postdoc (2022-2024; with Matt Mazloff and Bruce Cornuelle, now at WHOI)
- Donata Giglio, postdoc (2016-2018; now at University of Colorado)
- ChuanLi Jiang, postdoc (2008-2011) with Janet Sprintall, now at Cognitiv, Seattle.
- Alexa Griesel, postdoc (2005-2011); with Janet Sprintall, now at University of Hamburg.
- Manuel Gutierrez Villanueva, postdoc (2023-2024; with Matt Mazloff and Bruce Cornuelle, now at Lamont-Doherty, Columbia University)
- Momme Hell, SIO graduate student (2017-2020; with Art Miller and Bruce Cornuelle), now an assistant scientist at WHOI)
- Lauren Hoffman, Chemical Engineering graduate student (2020-2023; with Matt Mazloff and Donata Giglio, now a postdoc at the Universite Catholique de Louvain)
- Luke Kachelein, SIO graduate student (2016-2023; with Bruce Cornuelle and Matt Mazloff, now a postdoc at JPL)
- Xichen Li, postdoc (2014-2016); with Shang-Ping Xie, now at Peking University
- Theresa Morrison, SIO graduate student (2016-2022; with Julie McClean, now a staff scientist at GFDL)
- André Palóczy, SIO graduate student (2015-2020 ; with Julie McClean and Jen Mackinnon, now a scientist at NOC Liverpool)
- Channing Prend, SIO graduate student (2017-2022; with Lynne Talley)
- Erica Rosenblum, SIO (PhD) graduate student (2012-2018), with Ian Eisenman, now an NSERC postdoc at U. Manitoba and McGill University
- Gordon Stephenson, SIO (PhD) graduate student (2006-2012), with Janet Sprintall, now a data engineer in the Bay Area.
- Philip Sura, postdoc (2001-02), now at Florida State University.
- Erik Tang, MAE (BS/MS) graduate student (2008-10), with Julia Muccino, Lisa Levin, and Bruce Cornuelle).
- Bia Villas Boas, SIO graduate student (2014-2020); postdoc (2020-2021); with Bruce Cornuelle and Matt Mazloff; now at Colorado School of Mines
- Jinbo Wang, postdoc (2013-2015; with Matt Mazloff), now at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
- Wilbert Weijer, postdoc (2003-05), now at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- Uriel Zajaczkovski, SIO graduate student (2009-2017; now at Climate and Resilience Hub Willis Towers Watson, Halifax, Nova Scotia).
- Nathalie Zilberman, postdoc (2010-2014 ; with Dean Roemmich), now a researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Last updated January 2025